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How can I place an order?Easy! It’s very easy! If it’s the 1st time of you; create an account. Sign in on your account; Upload your images; place an order by filling up the easy "Place/set an order" form. That’s it. What is your payment term?We do not ask you to pay first. You’ve to pay while you receive the done images & are satisfied with the quality. How do you promise low cost services?Well, we get the most eminent profit of low production/useable cost field Dhaka, Bangladesh, where we constitute a team of extremely skillful who are very immediate into the helps we give while inactive exert the high quality productiveness. How do you ensure 100% appropriateness in your work?Whole experts we consist are highly competent with more than some years of skill into the base & we verify all images for as a minimum three times earlier to delivery. At first, we have got group leaders who look out of the professional persons, on how they’re functioning, though they’re into in good order. Upon decision, we have QC(Quality controller) who assures all images one after one & then us giving those photos to the customer. How will I give your divine service?When you go for our quote, we give a statement & transfer it to you by email. The argument contains all the details contributing a payment link alike "Click this link to pay". Just mouse click over the link & it’s aired you to PayPal account site where you’ve to pay via your PayPal account otherwise you can use debit / credit card. Besides you can also sign into your personal account at any time; if you’ve any referable you can also pay in same method. How do you take payment?We grant payment via PayPal. Yosouru’ve to pay via your PayPal account, MasterCard, Maestro, Visa Electron, American Express, Direct, Visa or Solo Debit. Besides you can also send cash in our USA account. Only for USA customers a cheque may be sent out into our USA office. May I give payment weekly or Monthly?Of course, if you wish then you can. Some of our customers, who need our service frequently, they’ve the option to give payment weekly or monthly. Every time you place an order; we let in a new-fangled thing to the argument via all the particulars. Thus you know exactly that how many images we are arranged & all the appropriate info earlier you to pay. What will happen if I’m not pleased with any complete photo(s)?At Clipping Path Solution (CPS), your images are handled through highly experienced individuals & we don’t expect this to happen. Though, in the fateful event, just tell us by sending an email telling the trouble & your necessary. We will remake that image(s) once more for you via high concentration of precedence without extra cost. How will I send & receive my images?It couldn’t be very easy; we allow three forms of file transfer method.
Do you’ve any lower limit of order requirement?No, but if you wish then you can give any amount of images. It’s not a subject that it is only 5, 10, 15r just 1image. All the time we recognize your business & always try to provide as most outstanding service. What are the times of turnaround?Well, turnaround time is based on the size of image & the difficulty level. Though, we contain most of our tasks within 24 hours. You’ve to stay to turn out to 500 images (middle difficulty) within 24 hours. In case 50 images, you’ve to be waited 6 to 12hours. Or f it is 20, 10 or 5 images, we might send it within an hour. How long you work?Our seaward outsources manufacture team work 24/7 & 365 days in a year. May I give images for test work?Of course! To allow you to judge our quality, we suggest GIVE US A TRY for two images. For taking free trial option, you need to sign up & log into your personal account. Upload your images & fill up the "Free Trial" form. Besides in the major cases we get back to you with the completed trial image within 12hours. What is the max file size I am able to upload?We use the server via unlimited space & your FTP account is set to unlimited. So you can upload any size of file you want. Though, if you use our web up loader to give your images, you’re capable to upload any amount of file at a time but each file size should be lower than 64 MB. May I receive a “quote” for my photos?Yes absolutely! Use the "Request Quote" form to send your images. We’ll get back to you in an hour via your quote. What the file category may I transfer you?We permit any kind of file. It may be PSD, JPG, EPS or TIFF. On the other hand, to remain your uploading time with ours, we give advice you to transfer JPG file if it’s suitable via your all condition. What outline will the complete files be?It grounded on your order. We provide all types of format you apply for. If you need clipping path, then just JPG via clipping path is fine. But if you give us TIFF or any other format, we return back you into the same agreement except you ask for us to change. If you need masking service, we transfer back you PNG file with clear backdrop. If you’ve any meticulous precondition, just let us tell & we’ll be very satisfied to assist you. Will you use my images for business purposes?Not at any state. Are my images secured to you?Yes, of course. All our staffs are contracted into a tie. Your images will not go outside of office any state. Our apparatuses are private by firewall for united inward and outbound protection & we have the most new anti-virus guard for the entire PC. Is the FTP server safe enough?Yes, of course. We make own FTP account for each customer through varied username & password. Just you & we can inter into your personal FTP account. Will you place a white backdrop into my image if I need?Yes obviously; without extra cost. Let us know that you wish to place the white backdrop. Then we’ll make the backdrop white & send back to you. How will I transfer if I’ve thousands of photos?Well, you’ll be able to replicate all your images into a hard disk drive or into DVDs to transfer to our production office directly. E-mail us for more data. Any more question? Contact us. We will be very pleased to give your answer! |